Driveline System

by Robert Green on July 15, 2015

Driveline System

It can be agreed on that a smooth running wheel system is integral to a smooth running vehicle. The driveline system of your vehicle is made up of a collection of components that transfer power from the engine to the wheels to get them moving. Keep your wheels turning with fluidity through regular maintenance of your driveline system at Fountain Tire Quesnel.

Depending on if your vehicle is rear wheel drive, front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, each vehicle has a different type of driveline system. Each component of the driveline system requires special fluids and maintenance to ensure long-lasting performance. Fountain Tire technicians have not only been trained to understand how the driveline system works, but also how to maintain and fix them to keep you driving with stability and confidence. Some of the symptoms to look for when deciding if your system needs maintenance are:

  • Howling noise while driving

  • High revs without the vehicle moving

  • Shaking or vibrating

  • Difficulty shifting into gear

  • Clunking noise when you try to move it into gear

Take all your driveline systems questions or concerns to the highly trained technicians at Fountain Tire Quesnel. As a network of local store owners, Fountain Tire is able to provide you with quality service as they dedicate themselves to innovative business solutions that are grounded in integrity. For more information, and to see how we can help serve you and your vehicle today, come in and ask for Store Manager Robert Green!

Robert Green
Fountain Tire Quensel

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